SEMrush Algorithm Updates to Bring Better Insights on Website Traffic

Published: December 28, 2022

min read

SEMrush, an SEO platform, recently announced certain changes to its algorithm. The changes are more inclined towards providing high-quality data to its users.

SEMrush is an SEO tool that performs keyword research, monitors the keyword strategy used by competitors, performs SEO audit of blogs, searches for backlinking opportunities, and much more.

Our primary goal at SEMrush is to provide you with the highest quality insights for your market and competitive research. To achieve this goal, we are constantly improving our algorithms and expanding our network of third-party data providers.


Earlier this year, SEMrush added a number of new data providers to its roster. The expanded data set has added precision to the insights it provided. SEMrush continues to tweak its algorithms to smooth out the existing anomalies.

Here are the traffic data updates made by SEMrush:

  • Improvement of the prediction model to give more accurate and stable mobile data.
  • Adjustments in mobile and total traffic numbers based on new data, but desktop traffic will remain unchanged.
  • Smoothen out rare inconsistencies by recalculating historical mobile data from April 2021 to November 2022. Also, SEMrush has adjusted the forecasting model so that inconsistent data gained greater accuracy.

Besides, SEMrush stated that users might notice slight variations across the trend reports as they roll out these updates.

How does the new update provide high-quality insights for market and competitive research?

Web traffic is the lifeblood of any website. To achieve this effectively, marketers must be well aware of organic traffic insights.

SEMrush has been periodically making changes to its algorithms to help its users get the best possible insights. And to expand their content marketing strategy.

Reduced Inconsistencies in Data:

Earlier, there were minor inconsistencies in the data derived from mobile. With this update, we could see SEMrush has taken a step forward to rectify the issue.

SEMrush has improved the way it delivers data from mobile devices. As a result, we expect the inconsistencies in the data will be drastically reduced. This, in turn, will provide high-quality data for marketers to work on. Thereby, brands can better analyze the keywords and optimize their website content to pull in more organic traffic.

Accurate Data:

While an SEO forecast is never exact, it plays a crucial role for businesses in determining where to focus their efforts in order to get the most out of their strategies. In the recent traffic update, SEMrush also refined its forecast model. So, marketers can probably expect improved data accuracy going forward.

In a nutshell, there is no doubt that high-quality insights are going to help content marketers understand the market well and craft a strong marketing strategy. But still, users have to play the waiting game to understand the repercussions of the new algorithm updates.


Jasmine Jackson

Jasmine is a social media maven with a talent for building engaged communities. She's a natural storyteller and has a way of making complex ideas accessible to everyone. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, and exploring new cuisines.


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